Live Wire Consulting has over 20 years of successfully managing projects and bringing troubled projects back on track. We manage projects through the standard project management life cycle:

- Initiation – The project is launched with a kick-off meeting. During the kick-off meeting the project objective is confirmed and the recommended solution/approach is approved.
- Planning – The project plan is developed, outlining the deliverables, tasks, dependencies and timeframes.
- Execution – The project plan is executed and the work of the project is performed.
- Monitoring and Control – Ongoing updates to the project plan and regular status meetings/reporting with the Project Sponsor. This phase is an on-going and iterative activity during both the Planning and Execution phases.
- Closure – Final product/service/result has been created and sign-off on the project is obtained by the Project Sponsor.
Our project managers have their Project Management Professional (PMP®) designation with the Project Management Institute.

Contact us so we can help you get your project(s) back on track.